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Professional FAQ
2 Articles
Getting started with BookAMed
How to register on the Bookamed platform?
My Profile
5 Articles
How can I become a Gold Member?
How can I get my profile approved to apply for locum jobs?
Applying for Smartcard
How can I create / update my profile?
How to add appraisals and references?
My Jobs
10 Articles
Instant Booking
What should I do if I have no response to my job application?
How to negotiate the hourly rate?
What should I do if I'm unable to work a confirmed locum shift?
How can I search and apply for salaried or permanent jobs?
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Pre-employment Check
4 Articles
How long will it take to complete my DBS (CRB) check in the United Kingdom?
Right to Work documents
How to upload pre-employment check documents?
Which documents are mandatory for getting my account approved?
Staff Bank
2 Articles
How can I become part of an organisation's Staff Bank?
I have been invited to join the BookAMed platform by an organisation; what should I do?
2 Articles
Terms of engagement between an organisation and locum.
Where do I find the Privacy Policy for BookAMed?
5 Articles
Setting notification preferences
How to change my data preferences?
How can I set / update my location?
How can I change the language of the platform?
Why are the application screens that I am seeing different from the examples shown in the FAQ?
1 Articles
Submitting a timesheet
5 Articles
Adding or updating invoicing details
Where can I find my invoices?
Generate and view my locum work invoices
Querying an invoice
Generate locum work statements
1 Articles
NHS Pension guide
My Account
5 Articles
Deactivating BookAMed account
I have been invited to join the BookAMed platform by an organisation; what should I do?
How to reset forgotten password?
How do I update my account details?
How can I change my password?
4 Articles
How do I provide feedback or make a complaint about an organisation?
How do I provide feedback to BookAMed about it's services?
How can I see the feedback or ratings received from organisations?
How to rate an organisation?
4 Articles
How can I find my messages from Hiring Managers?
Where can I see my notifications?
How do I contact customer service for support?
How can I contact a hiring manager?
1 Articles
How to login as an existing user?
2 Articles
Getting started with BookAMed
How to register on the Bookamed platform?
1 Articles
Submitting a timesheet
My Profile
5 Articles
How can I become a Gold Member?
How can I get my profile approved to apply for locum jobs?
Applying for Smartcard
How can I create / update my profile?
How to add appraisals and references?
5 Articles
Adding or updating invoicing details
Where can I find my invoices?
Generate and view my locum work invoices
Querying an invoice
Generate locum work statements
My Jobs
10 Articles
Instant Booking
What should I do if I have no response to my job application?
How to negotiate the hourly rate?
What should I do if I'm unable to work a confirmed locum shift?
How can I search and apply for salaried or permanent jobs?
Show More >>
1 Articles
NHS Pension guide
Pre-employment Check
4 Articles
How long will it take to complete my DBS (CRB) check in the United Kingdom?
Right to Work documents
How to upload pre-employment check documents?
Which documents are mandatory for getting my account approved?
My Account
5 Articles
Deactivating BookAMed account
I have been invited to join the BookAMed platform by an organisation; what should I do?
How to reset forgotten password?
How do I update my account details?
How can I change my password?
Staff Bank
2 Articles
How can I become part of an organisation's Staff Bank?
I have been invited to join the BookAMed platform by an organisation; what should I do?
4 Articles
How do I provide feedback or make a complaint about an organisation?
How do I provide feedback to BookAMed about it's services?
How can I see the feedback or ratings received from organisations?
How to rate an organisation?
2 Articles
Terms of engagement between an organisation and locum.
Where do I find the Privacy Policy for BookAMed?
4 Articles
How can I find my messages from Hiring Managers?
Where can I see my notifications?
How do I contact customer service for support?
How can I contact a hiring manager?
5 Articles
Setting notification preferences
How to change my data preferences?
How can I set / update my location?
How can I change the language of the platform?
Why are the application screens that I am seeing different from the examples shown in the FAQ?
1 Articles
How to login as an existing user?
Candidate FAQ
Employer FAQ