How can I set / update my location?

George Chacko

4 years ago - Edited

By having your location set on your BookAMed account, you can allow organisations to see where you are based, and it also helps to search jobs within a certain radius of your location.

How to set up your location

(Note: If you haven’t yet registered with BookAMed, you will be prompted to submit your location upon entering the portal after first signing up).

When you want to set up your location after you have registered;

  1. Login to and head to My Profile. Scroll down until you see My Location (It will be accompanied by a map).
  2. To set your location, click the pen icon on the right – Enter your address and click save.
  3. You can choose whether you want organisations to see your location, by toggling the slider labelled“Make my location public to organisations” on/off.

How to update your location

  1. Login to and you’ll see the same map on your Dashboard. Click the update button. This will redirect you to the same page as when you set up your location.
  2. To update your location, click the pen icon on the right – Enter your new address and click save.
  3. You can choose whether you want organisations to see your location, by toggling the slider labelled“Make my location public to organisations” on/off.

(Note: You can also update your location privacy settings by logging into and heading to More-→ Settings-→My Location. From here, you can use the same toggle as you saw on the section where you edit your map location.

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