Setting notification preferences
George Chacko
4 years ago - Edited
Notification preferences are based off notifications we send you from within the BookAMed platform. Notifications will not be sent to your mobile number or email address, unless you request us to do so via a social channel.
To set up your notification preferences, login to from here, you can either;
1. Head to More → Settings → Notifications.
2. Or, scroll down in your dashboard to Account Settings, and then click on update your preferences, this is underneath the communication preferences sub header.
The notifications you can change are as follows:
I would like to enable notifications in my web and mobile applications
This simply means you will receive notifications via the bell icon on the top of your dashboard (Either for job updates, website changes, or other account related information).
I would like to receive notifications about new vacancies from organisations within a radius of X miles
This can be toggled from anywhere between 50-500 miles
I would like to receive notifications for the following specialisations
This allows you to receive notifications for the fields you are interested in. You can choose as many as you like by simply clicking on each specialisation in the list.
I would like to receive new jobs notifications from the following countries
You can set any country to receive job notifications – Please note for overseas jobs, you will need all of the right to work documents, in order to be approved for shifts.
I would like to receive select notifications through the following social channels
Here you can choose whether you wish to receive text notifications through WhatsApp.